WordPress is popular blogging platform. About me is a necessary widget for any blogger. There are lots of about me plugins for wordpress blog. But all may not fit to your wordpress blog.In such cases, you can make an elegant about me in sidebar without using any plugin.
1. About me page
Add a new page titled about me. Write about you in detail.Insert a full size image of your profile. You can also write profile details in a way like this:
Profile Details:
Date of birth
And more what you like to add.
Also add links to the social media pages in this page using html hyperlink code.
<a href='http://.....(facebook profile address)'> my facebook profile </a> <br />
<a href='http://.....(twitter profile address)'> my twitter profile </a> <br />
<a href='http://.....(google plus profile address)'> my google plus profile </a>
2. Text widget on sidebar
Make a text widget. Place a profile image floating at left or right by using this html code
<img src='http://........( image address)' style='float:left;width:45px;height:55px;' />
You can change width, height and floating as per your wish.Now, write something about you in about 2 sentences. And add a hyperlink read more that links to the above about me page.
how to use your blog them on my blog. . . .
it is amtex theme. you can download and install in your blog